Friday, August 29, 2008

Namaste Cafe and a Smoothie Recipe

Two days ago we had lunch at Namaste Cafe, a small Nepalese restaurant in Uptown. The big pluses here are that most dishes are made from organic ingredients and there is a wide selection of vegeterian options to chose from. In fact, each dish has both a meat and vegetable option. Now, I am not vegetarian, but I do try to incorporate a healthy balance of meat and veggies in my routine. Thus, it is always favorable to find an establishment where it is easy to maintain personal dietary habits.

One might be tempted to characterize Namaste as just another Indian restaurant. Absolutely incorrect for, although similar spices are used, and there is definitely a slight Indian undertone, the main dishes are unique to Nepalese cuisine. For example, the soy bean dhal soup is a pureed dhal suspension with the added taste of soy beans. Not your typical dhal. 

This was by no means my first visit to Namaste; I even have my favorites: kamandu curry- a delicious mix of fresh tomatoes, onions, turmeric, cumin and other spices served with either tofu or chicken- and mamacha - small, soft dumplings filled with just a taste of lamb or chicken. It was the first time however that I ordered their mango lassi.

If you knew me, you would know that I never order milk or diary based drinks. I just don't associate them with eating out. In addition, they are usually in such large serving sizes that I can never finish one. (Just a little quirk I have.) Well, there is always a first time for everything. Maybe it was the ambiance: outdoor seating, colorful garden scape, the fact that, in late August, we could still dine outdoors. Surprisingly, Nasmaste's lassi was just the right serving size for me, about eight ounces. I was used to  mango lassis that are thick and too sweet. This was the opposite, light, airy and just the right amount of sweetness. 

The following day, I was inspired to make a "mango lassi smoothie." Smoothies are the ultimate pick-me-up on mornings. They are also a great pre- or post-workout drink. The best part is that you just add all ingredients to a blender and press start.

Mango Lassi Smothie 

1 cup frozen mango cubes
1/2 cup low fat vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup fat free vanilla soy milk
1 tbs. honey
pinch of ground nutmeg

Instructions: Blend. Pour. Enjoy.

Namaste Cafe
2512 Hennepin Ave. S. 
Minneapolis, Mn 55405
(612) 827-2496

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear there is a good Nepalese place to eat. I miss mhy favorite one is San Francisco, especially the mango lassi.
