Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Berries and Yogurt Whipped Cream

No. It is never something I say to dessert. Maybe I should, considering that I am currently trying to lose the baby weight. That stubborn baby weight. Unfortunately, I possess little discipline when it comes to most sweet foods, so I try to make substitutions here and there. 

This is my latest indulgence, which shouldn't even be considered dessert actually, since the main ingredients are greek yogurt and berries. Let's call it a healthy, luxurious mid-afternoon (or whatever time of day you are having it) snack. 

Berries and Yogurt Whipped Cream 

8 0z plain greek yogurt
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream 
1 tbsp confectioners sugar 
fresh berries 

Whip the yogurt, cream and sugar together until light an fluffy, about 8 to 10 minutes. Serve topped with fresh berries. 

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