Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Quinoa Salad with Fresh Cherry Tomatoes

We have four tomato plants in the back yard but only one of them is producing ripe tomatoes at the moment. Beautiful, yellow cherry tomatoes are ripening overnight - every morning over the past four days, I get to clip a good handful off the branches. These are the gold nugget variety - a variety that is so sweet, it's a travesty to use them in any other preparation but raw and fresh. So here, they star with red and white quinoa, and some fresh herbs that I also picked from the garden. It's summer time in Minnesota!

Quinoa Salad with Fresh Cherry Tomatoes 
Serves 4 

2 cups cooked quinoa
2 cups cherry toamotes, halved
1/4 cup chopped chives
8 to 10 mint leaves, chopped
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
salt, to taste

Add all of the ingredients to a large bowl, and mix well. This salad can be served at room temperature or cold.

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